What is Reiki?
Reiki is a healing system which allows the therapist to provide healing by laying on hands and was developed by Mikao Usui in Japan in the early 1900’s.
There are conflicting theories on the exact origins of Reiki. In all likelihood, Reiki was a combination of several different arts and techniques that existed and were practiced during Usui’s lifetime that he combined after he had a satori (enlightenment experience or moment of oneness).

Is Reiki for Me?
It works on all levels, the physical, spiritual and emotional levels. Research studies have shown that it speeds wound healing time, lowers blood pressure, reduces stress and is effective as part of a regime to manage pain.
Reiki should never be used as a replacement for other health care and medical treatments but should be used to compliment such treatments.
How does Reiki work?
It is simple: no one knows. Anything other than, ‘no one knows’, is purely speculation and belief.

What to expect from a Reiki Session?
Reiki is a unique healing method which usually requires the therapist to lightly touch on specific points of the client’s clothed body, not just with their hands but also with energy. Each practitioner works differently, and during your sessions you may be touched around your head, neck, back and shoulder area, and your hands and feet.
However, if a client is uncomfortable with being touched, treatments can be given without doing so. You should inform your therapist who will talk to you about your preference before any treatments begin. Whilst you will be in a relaxed state throughout, if you do feel uncomfortable during the session then it can be stopped, and a non-touching technique can be used instead. This will mean the hands are held over the relevant areas at a distance of 2-3 inches but won't actually come into physical contact with you.
During a Reiki treatment, you will lie fully clothed on a therapy bed covered under a blanket, listening to soothing music. The Reiki Therapist will lay hands on your body in a series of positions to deliver the Reiki energy.
A Reiki treatment generally covers your head, front of body and back of body in that order. If the incline position is uncomfortable Reiki can be performed while you sit in a chair.
A Reiki treatment will generally last between 45 minutes and one hour. Each treatment will be discussed on booking and confirmed during discussions prior to treatment beginning.

How many Treatments will I need?
You should feel the benefit from your very first session. Although it would be wonderful to receive Reiki on a daily basis, unless you get trained in Reiki this isn’t realistic.
Like most practices that encourage better health (exercise, diet, etc) it is best to incorporate Reiki as a part of your health routine. After an initial visit, your therapist will discuss with you how often would be best for you to receive Reiki.
It really all depends on how much you are off balance physically, emotionally, or spiritually, how long you have had an issue and how open you are to allowing Reiki to help you.
Generally, people who have received Reiki 2-4 times a month have reported the most healing benefits. So receiving 4 sessions, one week apart at first to open up and begin balancing your energy system would be recommended.
Your therapist will then discuss if you’d like treatments more spread out. It really depends on you, as you ultimately decide what is best for you!
Reiki and your Health
Reiki should never be used as an alternative to conventional medical treatments but used to compliment, hence the term complimentary therapy. If you have any medical or psychological concerns then you should seek professional advice in the relevant area by first speaking with your GP. A Reiki Therapist should never promise healing, never diagnose (unless qualified to do so) and never suggest that a client change prescribed treatment or medication or interfere with treatment of a licensed health care provider. Reiki sessions do not guarantee a cure and are not a substitute for appropriate medical care.